Sunday, December 25, 2011

Free GPS Software

!±8± Free GPS Software

I took a look at some of the online offers for free GPS software and found, like many "free" offers there were often limits and provisos involved. Often the freeware is a scaled--down version of purchasable products. Sometimes the free product has restricted functionality with features disabled, other products are trial--based and are disabled after a certain time (hours or days or use).

An example of limited free GPS software can be found at GPS Utility. The downloadable freeware is limited 100 waypoints and 500 track points. (There are 65,000 of each in the registered version of their program.) The free program gives you a good opportunity to try before you buy, and this is the benefit of most free programs.

There are online sites that list various free GPS software and describe how to use the programs after you download them. Often individuals who have used the programs themselves develop the sites. These are great because they give you an unbiased interpretation of the benefits and disadvantages of the programs before you use them.

Using free GPS software you can download programs that allow you to retrieve and display aerial photos, topographical maps, USGS landmarks. There are programs available that allow you import scanned images and add latitude and longitude points and other data.

Free GPS software downloads are available for PDA units that are capable of communication with GPS receivers. With these downloads you can have a useful navigation assistant, location database manager, and GPS data converter.

Programs to manage GPS waypoint and route files are available for both PC and Mac users. The waypoints and route files can be saved or converted to various formats used by other mapping programs.

If you need to transfer information to and from your GPS receiver and your home computer or laptop there are several free programs that allow you to do so. There are also programs that allow Garmin GPS receivers to "talk" to one another.

Many of the programs listed here are directed at the hiking/trekker community, but there are also free programs available for auto GPS systems and marine navigational systems. I found a couple of marine navigation programs that allow you to download nautical charts and plotters.

There are free GPS software programs that allow you to download street maps that might not be included in your auto--navigation system. If you intend downloading in--vehicle software, make sure that it has audio capacity, an essential safety factor for motorists. One such program offers data for several countries with voice guidance in twelve languages.

Free GPS software is also available for downloading to your cell phone. This is mostly tracking software and can be phone specific. You might want to check with your carrier before downloading anything to your cell phone to make sure that it does not incur extra charges.

As satellites are constantly moving, it is helpful to know the optimal time for data collection in your area. There is free GPS software that includes an almanac to let you know the availability of satellites at any given time.

Some of the free GPS software is brand specific. Programs designed for a Garmin receiver may not work for a Magellan, so check out the specifications carefully, especially if you intend purchasing a registered version after your trial period. Other software works with most brands.

Free GPS Software

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

There is No Try - You Either Do Or Do Not

!±8± There is No Try - You Either Do Or Do Not

It might seem strange to take personal development advice from one of the most popular movies of all times, the Star Wars series. But the truth of the matter is that the six-part series contains a lot of valuable metaphoric lessons that we can all benefit from. A classic example of this comes from the small, ancient, and incredibly wise Yoda who told the main character, Luke Skywalker, that "there is no try-you either do or do not."

A very simple statement, but a very profound one as well. The quote, by the way, was delivered in response to Skywalker's comment that he would try to do something seemingly impossible. What he was attempting is irrelevant, but the lesson here is that to accomplish something you need to make a commitment and then follow through on that commitment. By definition, the word try implies potential failure. When it comes to matters of financial security and stability over the long-term, for many people failure is not an option. For that reason, if you are considering the prospect of improving your financial condition as we stare down a global economic meltdown, you should make a commitment with yourself to do what's necessary to survive the disaster. Saying that you are going to try to cope with the changing economic times is unsatisfactory, and potentially dangerous.

Many people are unhappy with the current state of their lives. They don't have enough money in their life to do the things that they want to do, and to live the lifestyle that they want to live. They don't spend enough time with family and loved ones, and they don't spend enough time taking care of themselves. In difficult economic times, very often family vacations are removed from the budget, and cutbacks occur in the course of normal, everyday life. These people know that they aren't happy with the present situation but they don't know what to do about it. They want to change it, but they don't know how.

If you find yourself in this condition, take Yoda's advice to heart. Don't say to yourself that you are going to try to improve your situation, or that you are going to try to improve your life. Yoda would tell you, there is no try-you either do or you do not. Understand that despite the economic downturn that we are all facing, and the struggles that we will all likely undergo, some people know how to turn disaster into success.

Make a commitment to change. Get the financial education that you need, and then take massive action to change your life today, and to improve your life tomorrow.

There is No Try - You Either Do Or Do Not

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

How Wildland Firefighters Survive Entrapment

!±8± How Wildland Firefighters Survive Entrapment

The men and women who help fight our country's wildland fires are brave people. The dangers are many because a fire in the wilds can be very unpredictable. While science has come a long way since the 1800's, there still remains much to be learned. Today's communities in general are more exposed to wildland fires simply because they have grown so much. New communities have been built immediately adjacent to many wild land areas. While fires certainly burned up towns a century ago, modern day urbanization has place more homes in harms way. By the same token our fire fighting methods have improved as well as preventive measures.

The Varied Experience Levels of Today's Wildland Firefighters

Who are the people who fight our wildland fires? The first thing to recognize is that they comprise several separate units with a wide range of experience. Some are much more specialized and experienced than others.

Wildland firefighters might be members of fire engine crews, hotshot crews, smokejumper crews, helicopter-based hand crews, or regular hand crews. During fire season, these crews may travel throughout their state or possibly to other states. Two of the more experienced units might be considered the smokejumpers and the hotshot crews. Hotshot crews are considered a very experience elite group of ground firefighters. They have high physical fitness standards and extensive training. There are over 100 Interagency Hotshot Crews in existence in the U.S. and therefore they can be utilized across jurisdictions. The term "hotshot" came from their history of being sent to the hottest parts of wildfires. Their coordination nationally is handled by the NIFC, the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise Idaho. Smokejumper crews are another highly specialized unit. The fact that they jump out of airplanes tells you a lot. This unit has been in existence for over 70 years and the very fact that they parachute out of airplanes with firefighting gear tells you they must be physically fit. The smokejumpers are very successful in reaching more remote areas of a wildfire than those on the ground. The first actual fire jumps on July 12, 1940 are credited to Rufus Robinson and Earl Colley near Marten Creek in the Nez Perce National Forest. An interesting historical side note is that when the training began at the newly established smokejumper base at Ninemile Camp in Montana, it was witnessed by Major General William C. Lee. The Army shortly thereafter founded the 101st Airborne Division. The smokejumpers suffered there largest loss of life during the Mann Gulch Fire of 1949. Thirteen firefighter lost their lives during this tremendous blowup and twelve were smokejumpers. Parachuting into remote areas of wildfires is a dangerous job.

Aside from these two elite firefighting units there are several other levels. Many Forest Service districts list their available summer ground firefighting positions directly with state employment offices. If you meet the requirements the jobs are available to college or even high school students. Many look at these positions as a way to earn summer tuition money and work outdoors. There doesn't seem to be any clear cut requirements for these jobs other than you be physically fit. Ground firefighting crews typically use what is referred to as the "Pulaski Tool". This tool was developed after the Great Fire of 1910 by a man named Edward Pulaski who himself became a hero when he managed to save over thirty of his trapped crew in Montana. The Pulaski Tool is essentially an axe on one side and a digging hoe on the other. It is used by firefighters today to dig fire lines. About finding a seasonal job on one of these crews, if you know something about forest fires or know how to operate a chain saw, your chances of getting hired are better. The work itself requires strenuous physical exertion under sometimes harsh conditions. Be prepared to walk over rough, uneven terrain. Climbing hills covered with trees, brush, rocks, and debris is to be anticipated. Also, expect to be working under hot temperatures. Regardless, those who do fill these positions do receive training. Seasonal Forest Service firefighter jobs may include work on a wildland fire suppression crew and/or fuels management crew. On these crews there are designated fire crew leaders and trainees. Part of the fire crew leader's job responsibilities is to be sure the less experienced seasonal workers stay out of harms way. Leadership at this level is very important to safety. The crew leader has the responsibility of securing an escape route whenever the crew engages a fire.

One of the most tragic catastrophes associated with the seasonal regular firefighters occurred in July 2001 during the Thirtymile Fire in northern Washington state very near the Canadian border. Four regular ground firefighters lost their lives after being entrapped in a canyon. At first, this fire was thought of to be easily controlled but as sometimes occurs it grew into an unpredictable raging inferno. Part of the reason that these firefighters became entrapped was their leaders unfamiliarity with the area, not realizing they were going up a road that dead ended at a trail head. In addition, The fire's location caused communication problems regarding the firefighters' request for air support because of confusion over the legality of dipping water from a river which was designated as "protected" per the Endangered Species Act. It's unfortunate that confusion over a specie law would end up contributing to the deaths of four young people. Superiors should have had this worked out well in advance. Another finding was that the Thirtymile Fire of 2001 was caused by an unattended live campfire. In fact, it was a hastily built campfire outside of allowed camping areas.

How Wildfires are Fought

With the number of different crews available with varied degrees of experience, fighting wildland fires is anything but a haphazard undertaking. Today's fire fighting methods are made into a well planned attack. It is a cohesive strategy. There's been much learned over the years and training and adopting new methods is really an ongoing effort. Because of things that have gone right and wrong over the decades of fighting fires, the Forest Service has set up a basic list of rules. There are many things to do and many things not to do. According the Forest Service there are ten basic firefighting orders.The original ten Standard Firefighting Orders were put together in 1957 by a task force commissioned by the USDA-Forest Service Chief Richard E. McArdle. Reviews of tragic fires that happened between the years 1937 and 1956 were studied and the result was the list compiled in 1957.The orders are:

Keep informed on fire weather conditions and forecasts. Know what your fire is doing at all times. Base all actions on current and expected behavior of the fire. Identify escape routes and safety zones and make them known. Post lookouts when there is possible danger. Be alert. Keep calm. Think clearly. Act decisively. Maintain prompt communications with your forces, your supervisor, and adjoining forces. Give clear instructions and insure they are understood. Maintain control of your forces at all times. Fight fire aggressively, having provided for safety first.

It's interesting to note the order regarding "current and expected behavior of the fire". One thing that was learned over all these years was that a wildland fire could be quite unpredictable. The situation and direction of a fire could change in a moment. This wasn't really understood well during earlier years such as with the Great Fire of 1910 in Montana and Idaho or with the tragic fires in the late 1800's in Minnesota and Wisconsin. In fact, the changing nature of a wildfire is what accounts for most entrapments. A wildland fire produces winds and when it becomes big enough it can produce it's own weather. This is why being aware of the current situation helps to save lives. When the Forest Service fights fires today, they keep a constant check on the humidity, temperature and of course wind speed and direction.

The prospect of a burn over is considered the biggest danger. A burn over is referred to as an entrapment. In other words, the firefighters face the prospect of a raging fire burning directly over their position. In the fire fighting world it doesn't get too much more dangerous than that. It's also a reason that the wildland fire gear is so important to the wild land fire fighter. Included in today's firefighting gear is the survival shelter. Survival shelters are considered a "last resort" piece of fire fighting equipment. The fire shelter is deployed when all other means of escaping a fire entrapment are exhausted. Historians report that the first known use of a fire shelter can be traced back to 1804 when a mother covered her son with a buffalo hide to protect him from a raging prairie fire. While not being a scientific breakthrough,the mother's effort was apparently successful.

What To Do When Entrapped

By the very fact that you've found yourself entrapped by a wildland fire, your options may not be many. For the civilian who most likely isn't carrying firefighting gear, the first option is to find a body of water to crouch in. In most areas of wildfire this would probably be a river. If a body of water isn't available the best thing to do is find the clearest area possible, maybe a rocky area or a dry gulch. Try to breathe air as close to the ground as possible. Use a cloth to breathe through. One bit of good advice on is "to choose the place from those available to you that is best able to withstand the flaming front of the fire". These proven effective suggestions were not known during the early days of the Great Fire of 1910 and the devastating Hinckley Minnesota fire of 1894. During both of these large blowups people became trapped by smoke and flames and tried to escape in a panic any way they could. Also, during both of these fires the services of smokejumpers was not an option.

In regards to Forest Service fire crews being entraped, there are a few more options. Wildland firefighting crews now carry with them as part of their wildland gear a fire shelter. This device is used as a "last resort' piece of equipment. According to the NIFC, the first priority when a firefighter is entraped is to find an escape route. When this option has been exhausted then deploying the fire shelter should be done. There is no guarantee that the use of the shelter will keep you alive but it has many times and therefore is mandatory for wildland crews. The latest generation fire shelter does offer improved protection from radiant and convective heat. All federal, state, and local wildland firefighters must carry the shelter while working fires on federal land.

As for the description of the latest wildland fire shelters, they are made up of fiberglass, aluminum foil and woven silica. The dimensions when deployed are at most 86 in. x 15.5 in. x 31 in. What's very handy for the firefighter is the small space it takes to carry the non-deployed shelter, Only 8.5in. x 5.5 in. x 4 in. In 2002 a new version came out which has it's own carrying case and is shaped differently than the old style pup tent version. According to government reports "the outer layer of foil reflects about 95 percent of the radiant heat that reaches it. Because only 5 percent is absorbed into the shelter materials, the temperature of the material rises slowly". The way the shelter is built allows you to lie flat on the ground. The wide floor and the straps allow you to hold the sides down better. Firefighters are also trained to hold the sides down before the actual flames arrive.Some of these changes may have been a result of the tragedy at the Thirtymile Fire. Again, as stated earlier this is a last resort measure. Fire crew leaders are trained to identify escape routes as they are working so to avoid being entraped in the first place. The metal shelters offer a lot of protection against the flames but research states that most wildfire fatalities occur from lack of oxygen along with breathing in the hot gases produced from the flames rather than from burns. This is just another reason why a suitable escape plan is most important.

There's no doubt that much progress has been made in both fighting wildfires and protecting those who do the fighting. We also know more about meteorology than we knew 100 years ago. A fire by nature is an unpredictable event. We know what conditions foster their development but they change fast once they start. The science of wildland firefighting will certainly advance over time just as it had during the last century.

Two excellent books I would recommend in regards to the early fire catastrophes are The Big Burn by author Timothy Egan. It describes the circumstances of the Great Fire of 1910 and the start of the Forest Service. The other is Under A Flaming Sky: The Great Hinckley Firestorm of 1894 by author Daniel James Brown. This is about the harsh weather conditions that set off the disaster and how the people of Hinckley Minnesota tried to escape.

How Wildland Firefighters Survive Entrapment

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

GPS Pet Tracking

!±8± GPS Pet Tracking

If you have a dog or cat that is an escape artist with cross-country travel on its mind, you might want to consider a GPS pet--tracking device. The same technology that enables rangers to follow tagged animals will allow an owner track straying or lost pets. You can choose either a collar design or a backpack type that works with a harness.

Before you rush out to buy a GPS pet--tracking device you need to consider a few things. Firstly, in addition to the system having a GPS receiver, a transmitter is required so the animal's location can be reported. This usually means a service provider is needed.

Some pet--tracker systems are used with GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) that uses your GSM mobile phone and a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card for tracking. Note the SIM card provider needs to have a service in the area where you'll be using the device.

There are various ways of accessing the information that your GPS receives. These include via home phone, Internet, and software installed on your computer. Phone access is not recommended and installed software limits your access to information. Internet access to your GPS data is the recommended way to go. You just log on, enter your password and your pet is located.

Pet finding software allows you to define your pet's boundaries and upload them to your computer. If your pet goes beyond its boundaries then an alarm will sound and you can quickly locate where the animal has gone. If you are traveling with your pet beyond its boundaries you can disable the alarm, or if you are visiting another area you can upload new boundaries. Most systems allow you have more than one area entered.

All GPS units vary in sophistication as does the pet--tracking GPS. You can choose a unit that gives location and nothing else, or you can purchase a device that will give you location and the information of how to get there, including reference points along the way. As in any product, what you spend will define the abilities of your system. If your animal is a water lover make sure that the unit is waterproof.

There is a difference between dog tracker collars and GPS pet--tracking devices. The former are usually limited in range to about half a mile and are ineffective if your animal has been stolen and removed from the area. Beacon devices can only be seen within the range of the light.

A GPS Pet-tracking device that is not being worn is useless. If you invest the money, make sure that your pet wears his/hers all the time. Yes, animal snatchers will sometimes remove collars, but a surprising number don't think about doing so. Combined with micro chipping and registration, pet--tracking GPS devices will go a long way to ensure that your lost pet will be located.

GPS Pet Tracking

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Friday, December 2, 2011

The 1000 Year Zeitgeist

❤ LISTEN ( D on ' t W atch )❤ GET THE 12th INSIGHT NoW: ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Please join me on my other YouTube Channel @covellz 'Zeitgeist' the word means the spirit of the time; the spirit or characteristic of an age or generation. The baby boomers have set up a society that will not create sustainability on this planet, and we now see the way to fix that. The Zeitgeist Movement (the activist arm of the Venus Project) http Download Transcript: ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Download Other Languages Transcripts: Danish: Dutch: Finnish: French: German: Greek: Hungarian: Icelandic: Indonesian: Irish: Italian: Latin: Lithuanian: Norwegian: Polish: Portuguese: Romanian: Russian: Serbian: Slovak: Spanish: Swedish:

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Sunday, November 27, 2011


THIS VIDEO / SONG SOUNDS BEST WHEN VIEWED IN HD (High Definition-the hottest video resolution). We use HD to give you the best Christian video experience possible. A free MP3 of this Christian song is available for download at in the best music format possible (True CD quality -- 320Kbps). YouTube formats do NOT give you the best music video quality. YouTube is not CD quality. Sample audio of our other songs are also available. Band / Group Details: Our new Debut CD "Volume One" has had great reviews and articles from Music Review, USA Today, Alternative Press Magazine as well as contributing writers for top publications such as Rolling Stone Magazine. Our album has received substantial Radio Airplay in Phoenix AZ and Albany NY as the official music for two radio talk shows on stations KFNX 100 and Talk 1300 AM, some of the hottest radio stations in their market. Brandt Morain "Volume One" is comprised of multiple genres including 1970-80's style Rock, Country, A Capella, Christian / Religious, a song that makes fun of Rap, Easy Listening and a few recordings that defy categorization. In order to bring you the best Christian music possible, our recording philosophy omits recording industry "innovations" such as Autotune. These devices damage a recording artists performance in our opinion, producing sterile results that have destroyed the quality of some of the best Christian songs and other great music in the industry. Music Review said Brandt Morain ...

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Tempurpedic Mattress Sale - Where To Find It

!±8± Tempurpedic Mattress Sale - Where To Find It

A tempurpedic mattress is considered to be the best of the memory foam mattresses anywhere in the world. But, unfortunately because they are the best so their price reflects this. Because of this many people can not afford to purchase a tempurpedic mattress. However, in this article I will provide you with some ways of finding a tempurpedic mattress sale. Then hopefully you will get that good night sleep you have always wanted.

I suppose the first place any one should look when want to purchase a cheap tempurpedic mattress is on one of the many auction sites now set up on the web. Certainly places like eBay etc., will often have special deals going on such items and many companies prefer to sell in this way as it cuts out the middle man and also saves them the cost to having a showroom for people to view their products.

However, be wary as sometimes what you think is tempurpedic is not at all. There are some sellers online particularly on Ebay who sell fake tempurpedic mattresses and other tempurpedic products. So it is important that you check the ebay seller's feedback received from other customers (if there isn't any then don't purchase from the seller). Also if you are able to email or phone the seller to make sure that what they are selling is a genuine tempurpedic mattress.

The real benefit to be had from using an online site for purchasing a tempurpedic mattress is that it all can be done from the convenience of your own home. So no longer will you have to travel from shop to shop in order to get the right deal. All you need to do is visit a few sites online compare what they are offering and the price and then see if you can haggle with them. An example is which provides price comparison of tempurpedic products from various online stores as well as reviews from past customers.

Another place to look for a tempurpedic mattress sale is in your local newspaper. Often there are companies who are having sales on for these items and you just go down on a particular day when the sale is on and purchase whatever you need. However, be careful when visiting these companies and make sure that what you are purchasing is a genuine tempurpedic mattress. But hopefully by using one of these methods you will find a tempurpedic mattress to suit your budget.

Tempurpedic Mattress Sale - Where To Find It

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Monday, November 21, 2011

UP # 844 @ La Junta, CO the AZ-NM Centennial Tour (day 5 of 32)

Dan pursues the elusive Living Legend east of LaJunta, CO for some rare mileage for steam on the Boise City Sub into an eastern Colorado Blizzard on Nov.2, 2011 as the celebration heads to Oklahoma. Union Pacific's Iconic Steam Locomotive No. 844 to Join State Centennial Celebrations in New Mexico, Arizona ! UP#844, will travel through the Southwestern United States to kick off state centennial celebrations in New Mexico and Arizona, respectively. No. 844 is the last steam locomotive built for Union Pacific and will travel more than 2900 miles from its base in Wyoming on a 32-day, nine-state tour that will honor the rich railroad heritage of the scenic Southwest. It is fitting that No. 844 will be the flag bearer for these centennial celebrations The "New Mexico/Arizona Centennial Tour" begins October 29 when No. 844 departs Cheyenne, Wyo. The train's consist, which will include passenger cars from Union Pacific's renowned Heritage Fleet, will stop in each of the following cities before arriving back in Cheyenne November 29. Denver, Greeley, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colo.; Stratford, Dalhart and El Paso, Texas ; Tucumcari, Santa Rosa, Vaughn, Carrizozo, Alamogordo, Santa Teresa, Deming and Lordsburg, New Mexico; Wilcox, Benson, Vail, Tucson, Coolidge, Gilbert, Tempe, Phoenix, Picacho, Casa Grande, Gila Bend,Wellton and Yuma, Ariz.; Niland, Thousand Palms, Colton and Yermo, Calif.; Kelso, Las Vegas, Moapa, Caliente and Modena, Nev.; Milford, Delta, Lynndyl, Faust, Salt ...

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Monday, November 7, 2011

What is the safest abode to alive in America?

!±8± What is the safest abode to alive in America?

First looking at weather patterns, it appears that if there is nuclear fallout, where could you want to be? Remember weather patterns start in the West or North West and move across the country and change throughout the year, but always for the most part blow from East to West. So if you live East of the West Coast you could be in trouble if a Western city gets nuked. Then there are the East Winds in CA, which are called the Santa Ana Winds which are hot, fast moving and dry, the worst possible conditions for fires. As we see every few years in the Southern CA mountains.

So then perhaps you might wish to live on the West Coast, fairly good weather all year and the wind blows the other way. But you would want to live far from any major city on the West Coast. Not in LA, Not near the Nuclear Power plants, Not near the Military bases of Pt Mugu, Camp Pendleton or Vandenburg AFB. So where? Probably on the coast between Humbolt, CA and mid state OR. But alas there are huge faults along the West Coast and the OR Coastline is riddled with issues from liquefaction to offshore Tsunami generating Earthquake faults.

San Francisco gets huge Earthquakes as we know and LA is not immune either and neither is the central valley of CA with it's issues after proof in the Coalinga Fault. Living between the Russian River and OR Coastline near the coast would be okay even with these issues. Also you would not be down wind from any fallout and you are not a target. Safe in that you have fish for food and lumber for heat and no need for much of anything like power, surrounded by capable woods people.

You would have lots of rain and no water that would be polluted running off from areas of fallout. Of course from an attack by sea from the Pacific side in the case of invasion, you would not be in the best spot, we are not expecting any wars, yet 20 years from now will China be our biggest trading partner or will 2 billion of them like this piece of real estate? If we were attacked for some reason you would have air support from all the Navy and Air guard Bases along the Pacific Coast. Where are other good spots? If Seattle was not hit by a weapon of mass destruction then you still have Earthquakes and remember MT. Saint Helen. There are some cities inland on the I-5 freeway surrounded by mountains, but they are close to volcanoes too?

Where else would be good? Well not Phoenix, not Las Vegas and Reno is over the hill from CA and gets all it's left over weather. Boise has issues too. Although there are other cities in ID worthy of mention. Salt Lake is on a huge Earthquake fault. How about Helena MT, drought plagued and fire issues. Kellogg ID, superfund area. Billings out of water, Bozeman? Well too close to the State Park and there are issues with the volcanoes there too. Butte, MT also too close. Casper WY out of water and down wind in case of Volcanic Activity from Yellow Stone. Also think if Portland, SF or LA are not hit with nukes then we like, Four Corners, Elko NV, Battle MT (armpit) are doable with large underground water supply but it has arsenic in it. Winnamucka NV many not be safe either, but has thermal activity for power. ND and SD seem safe too, but winter weather is tough. Ogalla underground aquifer is being drained fast and could cause Earthquake from collapse. Western NE, not good, Denver either in case of water supply issues in future or fallout from volcano in Yellow Stone. How about in the Northern Section of AZ? Flagstaff has harsh weather, fire season. Winslow AZ is okay, with rail and FWY, but isolated. Of course these are only a few western states really and well we have identified several great locations with everything you need to survive.

Having studied the FEMA reports and the regional issues of each area and state and the disaster plans, we are well served by such data, but it falls short and a comprehensive plan of attack needs to be considered, because many people living in a region will need supplies, such as we see after major Hurricanes. Which by the way leaves us to wonder if there are in fact any safe cities on the entire Eastern Seaboard, Gulf Coast or West FL coastlines. As we saw in the black out of 2003, the Hurricanes and loss of power, the many fires in drought areas of CA, AZ, NV, MT, ID, OR, NM these are all big issues.

When multiple disasters hit, and transportation is down, power is out, water turned off, dams broken, bridges out, etc. Then what? Well, for some it will be their demise, others have adequately planned. Some of the safest cities are sitting near large underground water supplies and generate their own power or have co-generation plants, which are co-ops near by. Those mid western cities near large rivers are not safe due to the issues with flooding, as we have seen and continue to see every three to five years some town gets it. The water is fresh and clean in those areas and very soft, but when it floods, it is a disaster and very dangerous too.

Some would say it is probably unnecessary to have a major disaster plan, however it is a good exercise anyway, in planning. Things of importance are fresh water supply uncontaminated, food supply, encapsulated market, not over populated, no problems with contaminated air from normal weather patterns know and comparable to the last 200 years, out side of a fire zone and a defendable location. Also of secondary importance out side the risk of major seismic activity, travel from major highways causing and influx of others trying to get away thus bringing in diseases or viruses or using up local natural resources. Worst places to be D.C., state capital cities with lots of military bases close by, cities on major freeways with bridges and no other ways around for over 40 miles or passes on mountain ranges.

The cities which do not make the safest cities are Denver, Dallas, Mobile, Biloxi, Seattle, Chicago, NYC, Orlando, Tampa, Las Vegas, Salt Lake, LA, etc. Cities with no way to get out the population quickly are of problem, for instance DC with it's daily grid lock or Los Angeles, Atlanta, SF, etc. Cities, which rely on outside sources to get in important stuff are bad. Not to mention you are more likely to die from an auto wreck, although on the plus side they have the cleanest and best filtrated water supplies. That of course a trade off from the polluted air around you which could also kill you before your average life expectancy figure.

Port cities and cities with big major airports, which are hubs for major airlines are bad too. Cities that are big but do not have fed banks are one click down on the list too. Think of the logistics by train too. Cities which are down river close to major railroad bridges, which handle lots of interstate trains are bad too. Port cities get an extra bad deal. Cities which are close to port cities which are over 2 million population are dangerous too. Large cities near borders of Mexico are dangerous if they have over 2 million populations.

San Diego County, San Antonio, Phoenix, Austin TX, Houston, even throw in Tucson, El Paso, Yuma all bad. Already at a fresh water problem time due to droughts and over populations. Santa Monica is bad and LAX is a bad area to be near. A problem at the sewer treatment plant near LAX could be devastating with chlorine gas and weather patterns, with a weapon of mass destruction. Worrisome also to our scenario of possibilities is the major computer brain areas. Like Silicon Valley, Seattle, VA and other Internet hubs, which would also include Boston.

I would like to see a comprehensive plan to save American lives if an attack or Mother Nature event occurs, one which encompasses the entire country. Perhaps this is a good job for our war planners at the Pentagon, to try a reverse order plan, it would help them learn where best to minimize vulnerabilities and an action plan against International Terrorists or Catastrophic Mother Nature Events.

I have been to every city in the United States over 10,000 population. Where have you lived? Have you lived thru a natural disaster? Many of us have. The Hurricanes alone last year alone added 40 more million people to that list, it was a costly year for FEMA, but we made it through and showed resilience. So where are you safe? The answer might be nowhere or everywhere and preparation and quality of first reponders may hold that key. What were your concerns, and immediate needs during that period in your life when you faced such uncertainty? What would you tell others who plan to protect the property and lives of America, too the first responders, planners and those entrusted to protect humanity in the times of need?

What is the safest abode to alive in America?

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